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What’s happening
Term 1 Parent Teacher Interviews
We invite you to book your Parent-Teacher Interview for either Dec 5 (5-7pm) or Dec 6 (9-11am). You can do via this link. Please contact the school if you have…
Gagetown School is tree-nut free
To ensure that all members of our school community are safe, Gagetown School is now Nut-Free. Any snacks, treats or lunches that contain tree-nuts are not permitted on school property….
Hot lunch
Our hot lunch program will be starting up on Nov 13! Students have the option of garlic fingers of pepperoni pizza for $2.25 for 6 Wednesdays, Nov 13-Dec 18. Order…
PSSC Meeting
Our first PSSC meeting of the 2024-2025 school year will be on Wednesday, October 2 at 6pm in the school library.
Soccer Tryouts
Middle School soccer tryouts will be September 17th from 3-4pm.
Gagetown Students at Brilliant Labs Innovation Event
We were fortunate to be able to send six middle school students to the Innovation fair in Miramichi, where they shared their projects and their learning with creators from around…